Chapter 5 of the Bedford Book of Genres is about Exploring Topics and creating a research proposal. I liked this chapter because it really helped me when I was working on my research for Project 2. In high school, they always talked about doing lots of research and how we need to learn the tools required to do said research. But they never taught us really. Coming in to college I was kind of worried about that but luckily, I have had some really good resources that I could use at my disposal when I need help with research. I learned about databases and how to organize my sources from this chapter. After reading, it only boosted my confidence as a writer because I feel like I now have everything to make my paper and all that is left to do is to put it all together and turn it in. This chapter also talked about annotated bibliographies. Hearing that word for the first time is kind of scary because Its really long and sounds like It could be confusing. This chapter kind of broke down what it is and provided examples on how to make one. Basically its just explaining what your sources are and saying how you plan on using them in your paper